Spiritual Illness

This chapter is one that takes a lot of energy to write because it is multifaceted. The first thing I must say is that I am not a Doctor. With that said I included the sigil of Archangel Raphael the divine physician to help ground the energy of this subject. I would rather name the subject Spiritual Wellness than Spiritual Illness because names have power. There is a cognitive and energetic dissonance associated with the word illness. Combining that word with the already mysterious word Spiritual can be a recipe for disaster. So how do we define what spiritual illness is? A friend recently told me a good place to start is from within. If the outside world doesn’t resonate with inner peace we must look within. Examine the speech that you use to describe your experience. We can gaze within using a metaphoric looking glass. We can peer to distant places outside of ourself with telescopic lenses that can have many different apertures and focal points. These are all words associated with light. The colors we see stretch across a band, or spectrum of varying wave lengths. The sound we hear also stretches across a band. The nature of our emotions can be broken down into a science. Listening to music can create emotional shifts. A sad song like moonlight sonata sounds sad because there is a dissonance or tension that is created between notes. The physics of sound is relational to emotional processing. These are just small foundational topics to introduce a way of ordering the mind. Learning these subjects is great because we can revert to them when the outer world becomes hostile or inhospitable. It’s also a good center for when our spiritual journey takes us to places that shatter our ideas of what the corporeal world is. Our notion of what should and should not be can be challenged by external forces. There are many forms of attack which can come from all spaces and at the most inopportune times. Where the survival of our physical and mental health can be pushed to the brink of total destruction. So this chapter is about arming ourselves with knowledge to face those dark times which will inevitably arise. So before unraveling your mind with delving deep into the search for transcendent experiences. Carefully consider the mundane and corporeal world. The red pill transition will be less jarring that way. I’ll add more onto the subject of spiritual illness at a later time. Psychic attack, poltergeist activity, black magic etc. Theres a very powerful spirit that can drive a person to a fate that is worse than death which I would like to speak on eventually. It does things like create confusion that is so great a person would think they are in hell. It can create auditory hallucinations and anxiety so strong that a person would completely forget who they are. To be continued.