Demonbook is my online grimoire or book of shadows. Normally it’s something that a practitioner of the occult keeps secret. It’s a written account of ingredients, spells, and explanations of the ideas behind the reasons why they work. Practitioners who work with the demonic are called demonolators. The system of working with the demonic hierarchy is called demonolatry. This website isn’t just about the veneration of the 72 spirits of the Geotia where a lot of the enities of demonolatry can be found. I wish to speak about all matters relating to the occult and the supernatural. It may or may not be a while before I speak about specific demonolatry practices. Really this website is about fighting demonic entities in all of their manifestations. The demons from demonolatry are more like spirits and deities from ancient religions predating the Bible that were labelled evil. The theme of the website is understanding oneself through the many lenses of spirituality and philosophies which sometimes converge and sometimes contradict.
When you delve into subjects like spirituality, psychology and the occult the universe becomes reordered. Not only are you forced to face yourself with this increase of difficulty setting. You are forced to face others as well who haven’t yet leveled up. This isn’t a question of self aggrandizing wokeness. It happens for many reasons. At first its a shift in your aura because of the change in your presence and new found awareness is noticeable. Spirit and spirits around you become awakened. Fake people start to tell on themselves more, their tone and demeanor are more apparent and they become triggered more easily.
It becomes even more noticeable in earthly matters when you level up in society. We don’t live in a society where there are many people who standout. The ego is a very fragile beast in most people and will defend itself at all costs often abusing very lowlife tactics if remained unchecked. There are many layers to the insanity of society. They say that money is the root of all evil. But really it’s jealousy which is one of the Seven Carnal or Deadly Sins. People can become triggered by what you have. They won’t say it because most people are too cowardly to communicate it in a healthy way. Instead their mind’s will attempt to circumnavigate their feeling of insecurity searching for anything to make themselves feel superior to you. It’s a waste of time because it doesn’t address the root cause of their unhappiness which they often blame others for.
This is a warning for people who actually have the power to achieve their dreams. When you level up if you ever do because it’s not easy. There will be people who try to destroy you no matter what. Usually it comes from the people who are closest to you, family, childhood friends and loved ones. They will test the limits of your strength and often do it in a cowardly manner. If they can’t attack you on their own they will do it secretly in groups. I laugh about it because well… their true colors show. If they thought they were less important, less powerful, less influential before their attacks well it shows even more now.
One of the things I found most annoying about becoming a content creator or even just being a voice of counsel for jealous individuals who only cared about their self interests is when they use the advice I had given them during the time of need against me during my time of need. People like to kick you when you’re down so don’t invest in people who don’t also have your best interests in mind. It’s a red flag if you see someone pulling these tactics on other people. If you don’t pull away (which can be difficult because of circumstance) they will use them on you too. Don’t worry too much about what happens to them after. Karma has a way of dealing with people who are unfair. At first their relationships will be attacked and it’s obvious because they will treat others similarly to the way they treated you. The difference is the next person that they cross might not be so forgiving. Also if you’re a good person who wishes the best for people just removing your energy from the situation can be devastating. If they are hateful people which wish physical harm on you they will experience it instead especially if its not justified. They become accident prone and experience decline in health and resources.